Listen in to revisit a Health Matters segment that tackles the problem of preventing Type 2 Diabetes. Dr John speaks with Angela Blair from the Diabetes Council and they explain the link between Diabetes and Heart Disease and how some simple lifestyle choices can significantly reduce your risk of both. One startling fact is that having Diabetes increases your risk of heart disease fourfold! 30 years again only 2% of Australians had Diabetes but today this is up to a staggering 8% in some parts of our community.

Adults need to have annual checks with their GP and know their numbers – if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure and high glucose levels in your blood you are at risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. Even if your bloods are good you still should be making some lifestyle changes to keep them that way. Often it just seems to hard to do everything but start small and work up. Make time for regular exercise, change the portion size of your meals, drink more water, eat more fruit and vegetable and selecting the leaner cuts of meat. Do something rather than do nothing!