Category Kids Health

Why sunlight is necessary for our kids’ eye health

The eye health of our children is something that we often take for granted. However, research has identified a significant decline in our eye health, with a surprising concentration of myopia in highly urbanised areas. Professor Kathryn Rose from The… Continue Reading →

ADHD: Are we overmedicating our kids?

Dr Joseph Beiderman is the psychiatrist known as the “father” of ADHD. For 30 years, he’s led the Ritalin revolution, responsible for dosing up millions of children. 60,000 kids in Australia alone are on powerful drugs to control their behaviour…. Continue Reading →

Self-diagnosis of food allergies is a problem

A US study, reported in The Guardian, has put the spotlight on Allergies. It suggests from surveys of adults that people are relying too heavily on self-diagnosis of a food allergy. However, there is little reason to doubt that food… Continue Reading →

Natural juice is not a replacement for fresh fruit and vegetables

So are fruit and veggies from the glass as good as from the plate? The short answer is NO! Preparing fruit and veggies can be a bit time consuming but it’s one of the healthiest things you’ll do all day…. Continue Reading →

Rubella must stay a thing of the past

The October announcement that Rubella or German Measles has been eliminated in Australia is graphic proof that immunisation is so successful at decreasing the frequency of childhood infection. You know the ones; measles, mumps, diphtheria or Tetanus and there are… Continue Reading →

The new epidemic – ScreenTime, children and added weight!

90% of children over five now have regular access to the internet. Ipads, mobiles phones and Playstations combined with TV viewing increasingly occupies our children’s time. Even if we put aside the content (and we shouldn’t) there are studies from… Continue Reading →

Providing dietary support for kids with allergies

Dr John continues the discussion about practical ways to support kids with allergies. Today he’s talking with Barbara Dennison, a senior pediatric dietician with the Westmead Children’s Hospital in Sydney, about the role that diet plays in this process. Barbara… Continue Reading →

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