Dr John D'Arcy

There is real value in pulling weight when you have cancer

In a review of past studies researchers have determined that resistance training was helpful to cancer patients. The tests showed ...

Even when people have a heart attack they don’t make healthy changes after it

Chronic disease is changing the way we live. We are growing older but we are sicker. 50% of heart attack ...

How to feel brighter and more alert

Trying to pack another 8 hours into an already full and busy day? The result will be restless nights and ...

A question of balance

Your balance is controlled by a delicate process that collects information from so many sources. Your inner ears, vision, muscles ...

Spread knowledge, not infections

Because of antibiotics, half a century ago we thought we had beaten the bugs. Not so! Today, the misuse and ...

Bowel Cancer is a big issue

Bowel cancer kills more women than breast cancer and more men that prostate cancer but people are not getting the ...

Providing dietary support for kids with allergies

Dr John continues the discussion about practical ways to support kids with allergies. Today he’s talking with Barbara Dennison, a ...

Difficult symptoms of chemotherapy

Cancer and its treatments cause a variety of side effects, some of which people recover from quickly, while others last ...

Meet young Zara who has Albinism

Albinism is a very rare genetic condition that causes the body to be unable to, or have limited ability to ...

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